Wednesday, March 21, 2007

mental and physical aspects


“If you concentrate on the mental aspect it is inevitable that the physical side will follow.”

Herb Elliot, Gold Medalist, 1500m, Rome 1960


I found this quote at an interesting website:

Saturday, March 10, 2007


If I match proper breathing with proper movement, everything
becomes effortless. I feel less tired, and actually feel more energized, after our martial arts training. I've read ideas about "effortless action" only in books, and now, it's semi-real to me. To describe this little experience, it feels like I'm holding something solid, but I cannot see it, and in my socially-acceptable idea of reality, I'm not holding anything, which really does not make sense. This experience was probably just heat escaping out from my palms, or my head, due to lack of breakfast.

But the question is, how do we start believing on something or anything? How do we prove that something is real? Is it something that we see or feel? How about our sense of touch, taste, or smell? What if one of our senses is right, and the other is wrong?
Which one do we believe? What if our senses fail to sense? Things like wind, gravity, magnetism, electric current, black holes, etc., have already been scientifically proven to exist. But what about the ones that have not? How do we sense genuine love, or the existense of God? Do we take a leap of faith, and proceed with the assumption that this something which does not make sense really does?

One day, all things unfamiliar will becomes familiar, and everything will start to make sense.

Maybe the first step is to believe, which could be the hardest step of all.